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NAME(S): Wolfgang, Wolf, Gangwolf, Gang, Puppet

POTENTIAL DAMAGE LEVEL: extremley low, wouldn't actually hurt even a fly

LIKES: the colour blue, alternating between british and english spellings of words, stuffed animals, alone time, parties, his friends

DISLIKES: rude people, sleeping on his back, Matryoshka dolls, the ocean or any body of water really, being alone, crowds, hamsters

PERSONALITY: Wolfgang can be very emotional and have extreme outbursts. he continuously feels guilty about his tantrums and apologizes after. He feels his feeling too strongy (because thats a thing) and he doesn't notice that he does. He is a natural airhead and isn't very observant at all at any given moment. Wolf prefers being alone when he has people aroud him but wants people around him when he's alone; this traps him inside of a loop he creates himself, which naturaly, makes him a grump most of the time. He hates confrontation and avoids it any chance he gets. He tends to run away from things that require him to think about himself and how he acts. past or present. While he's not self aware, as he's not aware even when it isn't himself, he knows something is most likely wrong with him. He isn't easily persuaded by others, especially when in comes to fitting in. he's given up on trying to be appealing to everyone, and he knows he lives to satisfy himself.

While Wolfgang is a very contradicting and neverendlignly changing person, his wardrobe rarely has new additions. He contstantly wears a worn out purple shirt and heart boxers that are defininetly too big for him. He wears black shoes with holes in them and no socks (crazy, right). Gang can 100% afford to get new and better clothes, but he refuses to for some odd reason. Nostalgia, maybe.

he's a gayme gamer and quite honestly chronically online. He is a lair, not a compulsive one, but a frequent one.


art of the poor man;

None yet... odd.